Some Autistic Behaviors Explained

Yesterday we discussed how crying with tears and nose running come about, with the principles and logic given by ancient sages 3000 years ago.

What is amazing is that today modern science and Western Medicine still cannot offer a logical explanation to many physiological phenomena.

Today, from yesterday discussion, we talk about autism and its explanation.

We all know that challenge of having autistic child is enormous, especially for the parents, besides the child in suffering.

We discuss some aspects of autistic child’s behavioral challenges.

Some autistic children cover their ears, screaming, as if hearing some horrible sounds, and knock their heads against the wall. They have uncontrolled fears.

Western scientists discover that these children are very sensitive to sound, even what we consider reasonable sounds, to them like thunders. Their hearing faculty is in disarray. Yet Western Medicine doctors cannot pinpoint what actually is wrong with the ears.

Special Needs Education specialists advise the parents to send the children to all sorts of therapies, Occupational Therapy, Sensory Integration therapy, Speech therapy etc.

These specialists consider the autistic child’s problems as behavioral.

What do ancient sages say about this?

YEIC says, : “Kidneys functionalities manifest at ears” “Both ears are linked with the brain”, “Kidneys stores Essence, Essence gives rise to bone marrow, and bone marrow give rise to brain for all mental activities”.

黄帝内经曰 “肾开窍于耳”, “肾气通于耳。肾和则耳能闻五音矣.”。
古人也说 : “两耳通脑,所听之身声归于脑”,”肾藏精”,”精生髓””,髓聚于脑形成髓海,主持精神、思维活动的功能。

Mind you, the above were recorded 3000 years ago, whereas Western Medicine has only 200 years history.

The above implies ears, hearing, brain, kidneys, … are part of a sub-system and parts are not to be separately treated.

YEIC also says : “Kidneys stores DNA” This implies if the mother’s health conditions are not good during pregnancy, the health of the fetus and baby are greatly affected.

Note: Health conditions not good does not mean must have serious illnesses, It can be the mother’s body constituent is cold in nature, without warmth to nourish the fetus.

Different autistic child has different sensory faculties out of balance. It can be hearing, sighting, touching, tastes and smell, which also affect speech learning. These sensory faculties are closely related to the 5 key organs functionalities.

Today the rate of autistic children is on the increase, and these can be correlated to the general health of the population too.

Hence in the above case example, the child behaves like encountering ghosts, screaming with both hands covering the ears, knocking his head against the wall, kidneys functionalities must be restored, not OT or other types of behavioral therapies.

When we understand more and more the wisdom of the ancient sages, we will not subject the autistic children to unnecessary therapies for which they must have suffered a great deal insides without able to tell the parents.

For the young adults, YEIC knowledge is so valuable for you to bring out a new healthy generation, don’t you agree?

This discussion involves a few key concepts which are elaborated in the video training class ,
“Organs Functions 五脏六腑功能”,”Kidneys manifest at ears 肾开窍于耳”,” Kidneys stores Essence 肾藏精”, “Essence give rise to bone marrow 精生髓 ”
“Words in Chinese are texts from the book YEIC, 3000 years ago”

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Video Training on the Ancient Wisdom


Andrew Wong
EP Coach / Trainer / Facilitator
心理辅导师 / 培训老师 / 带动集团学习师
Hp +6012 606 1525

Published by

Andrew W

Andrew Wong EP Coach / Trainer / Facilitator. 心理辅导师 / 培训老师 / 带动集团学习师 Hp +6012 606 1525

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