High Blood Pressure – Wrong Focus !!

In the Mandarin WhatsApp group, a member asks :

“Teacher, high blood pressure is due to which organ out of balance? How to avoid taking high blood pressure medicine?”

I ask : “Are you referring to western medicine ??”,she replied : “Yes”

Come to think of it, there are many illnesses require lifelong medication, including high blood pressure.

Lifelong medication to the ancient sage is a rather ridiculous thing. The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic (YEIC) principle is “Restore body organs functionalities, you get well”. If herbs and acupuncture could not cure, consider daily practice of Life Cultivation 养生之道。

Back to the topic of high blood pressure, the issue is not which organ is out of balance, perhaps in the previous discussion, body organ functionalities are often mentioned.

I explain as follow.

Western Medicine focuses on “Pressure” and uses instrument to measure it.

YEIC does not use pressure as a concept. Instead a more powerful concept “Qi-blood” is used to explain many phenomena in the body functionalities or operational problems or illnesses.

When a person is very angry, he feels pressure in his head. Interestingly in Chinese language, angry (生气) ,means generate a lot of qi, resulting in pressure.

It is the qi that raises the blood pressure, and pressure is the end product.

Hence it is wise to put focus on the factor that creates pressure, i.e. qi.

Western Medicine does not have “Qi” concept, they consider high blood pressure is due to blood vessels lack elasticity, or damaged. Hence medication and necessary surgery are the main approaches.

“Qi-blood” is needed to all parts of the body. When you have high workload and the boss is impatiently waiting for your delivery of work, your head feels the pressure. That is because the body needs to send much more “Qi-blood” to your brain to help you finish your task and you feel the pressure or fainting.

If your body constituent (体质) is weak, particularly short of breath, i.e. your “Qi” is weak, and your “Qi-blood” is inadequate ( eg. anemia ),and you struggle to complete the task, besides having high blood pressure, you may have other problems like cold feet (as most qi-blood goes to the head, not feet), insomnia, anxiety attack, … which further increases your high blood pressure.

If you have blood stasis, eg. ladies with irregular periods, thick blood, or with high fat contents in the blood, and fluid part of the blood, due to poor metabolism, contains phlegm, or toxins, which manifest in your urine, stools, sweat, i.e. as per YEIC, called “Yin-Yang imbalance”, … isn’t it true then the Qi needs enormous force to move the heavy, contaminated blood and fluid, causing high blood pressure?

Earlier we have many discussions on our diets, lack of exercises to move qi, our emotions, feelings, personality, life attitude, … affecting Yin-Yang Balance, 阴阳失调,which further affect body organs functionalities, 五脏六腑功能失调,these cause high blood pressure, which is not due to only one organ issue.

Hence if you accept the teaching of ancient wisdom, and practice daily Life Cultivation 养生,and raise the quality of Qi, Blood, body Fluid, you can do away with medication ?, and not suffer high blood pressure, don’t you agree? ???

This discussion involves a few key concepts which are elaborated in  online training.
“Qi 气”, “Life Cultivation, 养生”, Organs Functionality “五脏六腑功能”,“Qi-blood 气血”,”Fluid 津液”,”Body Constituent 体质”
“Words in Chinese are texts from the book YEIC, 3000 years ago.”

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Andrew Wong
EP Coach / Trainer / Facilitator.
心理辅导师 / 培训老师 / 带动集团学习师
Hp +6012 606 1525

学习 “黄帝内经“博客

Published by

Andrew W

Andrew Wong EP Coach / Trainer / Facilitator. 心理辅导师 / 培训老师 / 带动集团学习师 Hp +6012 606 1525

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