Year 2003 SARS lasted 5 months.
SARS had a fatality ratio of 11%.
Importance of Containment and controlling spread.
Importance of basic hand and respiratory hygiene.
SARS ended in 5 months implies the virus gets weakened over time. Hence TIME is required to eliminate the SARS.
SARS falality ratio brought down from 11% to almost zero by the use of Chinese herbs, first tried in Guangdong province then nation-wise.
Some succumb to virus attack more easily than others due to weak “immune system” of the said persons.
How do you know how strong or weak is your “immune system”?
Ancient Wisdom (Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic) teaches us “immune system” (正气)is manifested in your Body Constituents, 体质。 Hence we need to identify what types of Body Constituents we uniquely have and do the balancing and conditioning using food therapy, Qi exercises and emotional healing.
Video Training on the Ancient Wisdom
Video Training on the Ancient Wisdom
Andrew Wong
EP Coach / Trainer / Facilitator.
心理辅导师 / 培训老师 / 带动集团学习师
Hp +6012 606 1525
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