(This is a coaching case, the coachee is from Turkey, his BOD is 13th Nov. 1969)
Mr Turkish has a China dream. He aspires to be a citizen of China, as he considers China a peaceful and beautiful place. And he is trying all means to run away from Turkey. He resents deeply how the US creates so much chaos and dis-stability in his country and region.
He has moved jobs from place to place, Turkey, Africa etc. and he seldom stays put in a place for long. He is single. Hence currently he does not have commitment to family, no wife, no children. But he longs to have a life-long-partner.
From the analysis of his personality as per his birth-date, he has the following internal conflict.
He aspires to live in China as a peaceful and beautiful place reflects his Life-Path-Personality, i.e. his Life-Path is seeking Stability and Peace. but throughout his life so far, he likes adventures, like being mobile and likes a lot of freedom.
His love of Freedom is also a part of his Personality.
Currently he has several health problems. He does not have quality sleep. He has high blood pressure. He sweats a lot. He used to drink a lot, now cut down somewhat.
He does not realize his personality also somehow affects his health.
It is highly possible that even if he achieves his China dream, due to his patterned personality so far, he will not feel at peace in his heart. The Life-Path-Personality of Stability and Peace will become an illusion, not realizable.
And if he does not have the knowledge how to balance his body system, his health may get worse.
I recommend to him to understand his personality deeper by attending the video course on
A single Window to Personality, Emotion, Physiology
And also attend the full video courses on the Ancient Wisdom to start balancing his Body, Mind and Emotions, through food therapy and Qi-exercises.
English Video Training on the Ancient Wisdom