This report was made on June 7, 2017.
Before we started our 4th June workshop with the parents who have autistic children, in a short time we did a quick survey about their children conditions.
Altogether 9 autistic children.
(3 yrs below=1, 3-5 yrs=3. 5-9 yrs =1,9-12 yrs =2,14 yrs =1,20 yrs=1)
Speech Deficiency (9-12yrs=2,14yrs=1,20yr=1)
Hyper-active (9-12yrs=2)
Socializing proglem (3 yrs below=1, 3-5 yrs=1, 5-9yrs=1,9-12yrs=2,14yrs=1,20yrs=1)
Learning Disability (3yrs below=1, 3-5yrs=2, 5-9yrs=1,9-12yrs=1)
Fixed and Repeated Behaviors (3 below=1, 3-5yrs=2, 5-9yrs=1,9-12yrs=1)
Before the start of autism symptoms any high fever, flu = 2, (baby time).
Cesarean=3, all 3 are hyper-active。
Mommy often sick, weak body constituents, high stress and emotional disturbance during pregnancy, period irregular before pregnancy = 2
Shortly after vaccination, any unusual behaviors of the child = 0
Taking part in various programs, activities (OT, Speech Therapy, Sensory Integration, etc. = 8
Time / Period attending the program : (3 months below =2, 1 yr below =3, 5 yrs=1, 7 yrs =1)
Parents understand what method used in the various program OT, Speech Therapy, Sensory Integration, know how the specialist carry out the activities :(10% = 2, 50% = 4, 75% = 2)
How much time spent daily on the following : IQ(20 % = 2,30% = 3, 50% = 2)
How much time spent daily on the following :EQ(5 % = 1,20% = 1, 30% = 2, 50%=1)
(Note” Most take EQ more in controlling the child tentrum, difficult sentiment, and not balancing their emotions or developing EQ)
Later in my talk, I explain 5 Consciousness as per Ancient Wisdom, more than just EQ, which correspond to 5 body organs that determine behaviors and performance.
How much time spent daily on the following : (BI) Body Intelligence = ??
(Note: Most take BI as Sensory Integration activities. In my talk, I explained that from Ancient Wisdom perspective, BI is on raising the Yang energy / Life Force of the child)
How much time spent daily on the following ?: :diet( 30% = 3, 50%=2, 70%=4)
(Note: In my talk, I explained that Ancient Wisdom perspective, diet is related to improving our bodily organ functionalities which also include 5 sensory faculties. Ancient Wisdom called it Theory of Foods & Drink, which is very different from Western Nutrition Theory)
After various programs and activities :(OT),Speech Therapy,Sensory Integration)etc. What are the improvement performance ?:
( 6 month period : 5%=1, 20%=2, 30%=1, 50%=1。)
( 3 yrs, with one 7 years : 30%= 1, 50%=1。)
The one with 7 years intensive attendance to various programs activities, today still have speech deficiency and socializing programs problems.
In our workshop, I asked : “If we have opportunity to meet again in 5 years time, what report you can give about the progress of your autistic child?
I emphasize the importance of constant evaluation and measurement of the child progress, on whatever program attended, and not leave the child to the specialist / center day after day, year after year.
From the above information, you are welcome to share your views, discussion, your own analysis and thoughts on the above.
Subsequent to the above, I continue to take such survey in other Ancient Wisdom introduction talk. The pattern of the result is similar to the above.
There is really very little significant improvement with years of Western Education/ Therapy for Special Need children. Perhaps that is why they attend my talk.
This is regretful and sorry state, after years of hardship on the part of the parents for their love of their special need child, yet without significant result. I know of some, after 20 years of OT etc program, having their children dependent on large dose of western medicine to control the tantrum, some violence.
Many parents, after 10 years,20 years hardship, feel totally discouraged to seek anymore solution, and accept the cruel reality. They are no longer active on social media looking for solution or discussing or sharing.
Hence in the social media, mostly are young parents, actively pursuing seeking solution full heartedly. I wonder after another 20 years, what will become of them? Will they also give up hope?
I sincerely offer them a new hope based on the ancient Chinese wisdom, Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classics.
To understand how autism came about, to use the ancient wisdom theory, we need to know the basic concepts and knowledge of the Yellow Emperor, i.e. Qi, Yin Yang, Zangfu Organs, Food Therapy, Qi activation, 5-elements etc.
Then we can initiate balancing treatments to the child on daily basis. Treatments must be holistic, not doing just one thing.
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Video Training on the Ancient Wisdom
Andrew Wong
EP Coach / Trainer / Facilitator.
心理辅导师 / 培训老师 / 带动集团学习师
Hp +6012 606 1525
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