This is a brief introduction to “Food Therapy for the Unique You with your own Body Constituents”.
Please watch this short video at YouTube
Food Therapy
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This is a brief introduction to “Food Therapy for the Unique You with your own Body Constituents”.
Please watch this short video at YouTube
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Topics of Discussion
1. Why Aging Before Aging age?
2. What does measured Blood Pressure represent exactly?
3. Complex Medical Theory helpful?
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Why Young legs like Old Legs?
Legs weaknesses, nor able to climb steps easily, legs joints problem, sharp pain at the heels, urination problem.
Why more and more people having lower abdominal problems before they are old? ‘
What is the relationship between legs weaknesses and High Blood Pressure
What does Blood Pressure represent?
Why not measure blood pressure at the legs also?
Do you not need a comprehensive and compelling theory and explanation so that you can do something about your mind, personality and your body.
You are welcome to watch this Video on the above discussion.
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Andrew Wong
EP Coach / Trainer / Facilitator.
心理辅导师 / 培训老师 / 带动集团学习师
Hp +6012 606 1525
学习 “黄帝内经“博客
This report was made on June 7, 2017.
Before we started our 4th June workshop with the parents who have autistic children, in a short time we did a quick survey about their children conditions.
Altogether 9 autistic children.
(3 yrs below=1, 3-5 yrs=3. 5-9 yrs =1,9-12 yrs =2,14 yrs =1,20 yrs=1)
Speech Deficiency (9-12yrs=2,14yrs=1,20yr=1)
Hyper-active (9-12yrs=2)
Socializing proglem (3 yrs below=1, 3-5 yrs=1, 5-9yrs=1,9-12yrs=2,14yrs=1,20yrs=1)
Learning Disability (3yrs below=1, 3-5yrs=2, 5-9yrs=1,9-12yrs=1)
Fixed and Repeated Behaviors (3 below=1, 3-5yrs=2, 5-9yrs=1,9-12yrs=1)
Before the start of autism symptoms any high fever, flu = 2, (baby time).
Cesarean=3, all 3 are hyper-active。
Mommy often sick, weak body constituents, high stress and emotional disturbance during pregnancy, period irregular before pregnancy = 2
Shortly after vaccination, any unusual behaviors of the child = 0
Taking part in various programs, activities (OT, Speech Therapy, Sensory Integration, etc. = 8
Time / Period attending the program : (3 months below =2, 1 yr below =3, 5 yrs=1, 7 yrs =1)
Parents understand what method used in the various program OT, Speech Therapy, Sensory Integration, know how the specialist carry out the activities :(10% = 2, 50% = 4, 75% = 2)
How much time spent daily on the following : IQ(20 % = 2,30% = 3, 50% = 2)
How much time spent daily on the following :EQ(5 % = 1,20% = 1, 30% = 2, 50%=1)
(Note” Most take EQ more in controlling the child tentrum, difficult sentiment, and not balancing their emotions or developing EQ)
Later in my talk, I explain 5 Consciousness as per Ancient Wisdom, more than just EQ, which correspond to 5 body organs that determine behaviors and performance.
How much time spent daily on the following : (BI) Body Intelligence = ??
(Note: Most take BI as Sensory Integration activities. In my talk, I explained that from Ancient Wisdom perspective, BI is on raising the Yang energy / Life Force of the child)
How much time spent daily on the following ?: :diet( 30% = 3, 50%=2, 70%=4)
(Note: In my talk, I explained that Ancient Wisdom perspective, diet is related to improving our bodily organ functionalities which also include 5 sensory faculties. Ancient Wisdom called it Theory of Foods & Drink, which is very different from Western Nutrition Theory)
After various programs and activities :(OT),Speech Therapy,Sensory Integration)etc. What are the improvement performance ?:
( 6 month period : 5%=1, 20%=2, 30%=1, 50%=1。)
( 3 yrs, with one 7 years : 30%= 1, 50%=1。)
The one with 7 years intensive attendance to various programs activities, today still have speech deficiency and socializing programs problems.
In our workshop, I asked : “If we have opportunity to meet again in 5 years time, what report you can give about the progress of your autistic child?
I emphasize the importance of constant evaluation and measurement of the child progress, on whatever program attended, and not leave the child to the specialist / center day after day, year after year.
From the above information, you are welcome to share your views, discussion, your own analysis and thoughts on the above.
Subsequent to the above, I continue to take such survey in other Ancient Wisdom introduction talk. The pattern of the result is similar to the above.
There is really very little significant improvement with years of Western Education/ Therapy for Special Need children. Perhaps that is why they attend my talk.
This is regretful and sorry state, after years of hardship on the part of the parents for their love of their special need child, yet without significant result. I know of some, after 20 years of OT etc program, having their children dependent on large dose of western medicine to control the tantrum, some violence.
Many parents, after 10 years,20 years hardship, feel totally discouraged to seek anymore solution, and accept the cruel reality. They are no longer active on social media looking for solution or discussing or sharing.
Hence in the social media, mostly are young parents, actively pursuing seeking solution full heartedly. I wonder after another 20 years, what will become of them? Will they also give up hope?
I sincerely offer them a new hope based on the ancient Chinese wisdom, Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classics.
To understand how autism came about, to use the ancient wisdom theory, we need to know the basic concepts and knowledge of the Yellow Emperor, i.e. Qi, Yin Yang, Zangfu Organs, Food Therapy, Qi activation, 5-elements etc.
Then we can initiate balancing treatments to the child on daily basis. Treatments must be holistic, not doing just one thing.
Welcome to enroll
Andrew Wong
EP Coach / Trainer / Facilitator.
心理辅导师 / 培训老师 / 带动集团学习师
Hp +6012 606 1525
学习 “黄帝内经“博客
Happy New Year.
New Year 2019 is going to be an exciting and interesting year for me.
Why so?
I found a world platform whereby I can share the 3000 years old Chinese Ancient Wisdom to help people to create Better Well Being Today.
This is a Global Learning Community with 24 millions eager learners.
This video is a preview to introduce Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic to the whole world.
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Happy New Year to you again and hope you have an exciting start for your new year 2019.
Andrew Wong
EP Coach / Trainer / Facilitator.
心理辅导师 / 培训老师 / 带动集团学习师
Hp +6012 606 1525
Very excited.
My 2nd video training course just gets published by Udemy.
With a few more video training courses to be published, we can all begin to see the whole picture of the Ancient Wisdom to create Better Well Being today.
This video training course is on 气
“Qi (Its mystery unfolded), 5-Essential Human Life Variables”.
It took me almost 1.5 hours to explain the Concept of Qi, the most confusing and misunderstood concept.
Take a look at a few free preview videos and program outlines to appreciate how critically important is the Concept of Qi to your life.
Qi (Its mystery unfolded), 5-Essential Human Life Variables
Welcome to share with your family and friends if you find it useful.
Welcome to enroll
Andrew Wong
EP Coach / Trainer / Facilitator.
心理辅导师 / 培训老师 / 带动集团学习师
Hp +6012 606 1525
There are interesting observation and conversation with friends on the above subject matter, “What is Aging Process?”
Surely this subject matter is of concern to those past middle age, especially those retire from work.
At the same time, most admit that they cannot go into deeper discussion as they have very vague ideas what aging process is all about?
As a concept, we all know that we cannot stay young and strong forever.
But without knowing the aging process, it is difficult to ensure gradual and graceful aging. We do not know what to expect? How not to get into serious illnesses?
Western Medicine does not provide much clues on the above, except general advice : good diet, good sleep, reasonable exercise, be happy.
And that is what most people do.
Those retired have the opinion that enjoy life to the fullness NOW, be happy, go travelling. The underlying assumption is Now everything is OK, enjoy. Later, …..don’t know, until some symptoms show up. Pray that no major illnesses.
Others still have a lot of ambitions with worthy cause. Some want to do charity to help people. This is another assumption that he or she currently is fit and healthy, hence can contribute much.
Later, when and how is he or she no longer fit, age faster, with weakening body functioning ……, that need others to do charity to him or her? i.e. To take care of him or her?
Isn’t is nice to know exactly what is the aging process, then we can become more conscious how to take step to ensure gradual and graceful aging?
In my 1st published video training on “Philosophy, Yin & Yang Theory, And Application” I shared, as per ancient wisdom, Aging Process is diminishing of Yin and Yang.
If that is the proposition, then we need to understand the basic concept of Yin and Yang, and how Yin and Yang are operating constantly in our life and take action based on that understanding.
Is Aging process only the concern of the middle age people?
Once we understand the ancient wisdom, we realize that we should implement the Life Cultivation in balancing Yin and Yang for babies and young children so that they have a better foundation to ensure gradual and graceful aging process.
You are welcome to learn from the following video training, what is Yin and Yang.
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It sounds obvious.
Not knowing the alphabets, how to communicate and write an essay.
Not knowing a language, how to understand the underlying message.
Sometimes, we operate without being aware of such simple logic.
I give an example.
After being given a prescription by a Western Medicine doctor for an illness, the patient quickly checks at the internet, for more information on the medicine given. The patient finds some extra information regarding the medicine, which the doctor did not mention. The patient is worried about that information. On the second day, the patient visited the doctor again to challenge him on his prescription.
The patient know the language of the medicine, though not too technical in details, but sufficient for him to know the pro and con. This is the challenges faced by the Western Medicine doctors.
If the patient visits a TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) doctor. When given the prescription, the patient has hard time to understand the prescription after spending long hours with Google search. There are strange language and metaphor used. For example, the Liver is on fire. Or there is too much Evil Qi, or the Yin Yang no balance. Or Wood attacks Earth.
The patient is at a loss. He cannot challenge the TCM doctor.
This is because the patient does not know the ABC, the language of the Chinese medical treatment system.
Some health-conscious people, or have some not too serious symptoms in the body, want to learn from the ancient Chinese health system, do good deal of research and reading. These people are often puzzled by the strange language. Qi Deficiency. Yin Deficiency. Yang Excessiveness. Stomach Qi or Essence depleting.
Soon these learners give up.
Not knowing the alphabets, how to communicate and write an essay.
Not knowing a language, how to understand the underlying message.
For the above cases, my work o Video Training Courses on the Ancient Wisdom, Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic, has the purpose to provide basic ABC language to help learners to explore and understand better their performance, behaviours or health issues based on ancient wisdom.
More than providing the language, but also the knowledge how to do self Yin Yang balancing, e.g. Through food therapy, activating Qi, raising consciousness.
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The next Video Training Course is on “Qi (Its mystery unfolded), Qi Blood & 5-Essential Human Life Variable” will be ready for publishing after Christmas
There are altogether 10 Video Training Course to complete the essentials of Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic.
Keep coming back to the is Blog to check the status.
In promoting 3000 years Chinese ancient wisdom, Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic, 黄帝内经, which addresses all the major aspects of our life : Performance, Health, Illnesses, Emotions, Psychology, Consciousness, Physiology, I have been conducting training classes and doing one to one coaching to clients with all sorts of issues.
Last month a friend introduced an internet platform Udemy, whereby they have 24 millions students / learners eager to learn something in life, I get very excited with the potential reaching out to the whole world.
I plan to design the ancient wisdom in video training course, module by module.
Just a few days ago, my first video training course was approved. That provides great encouragement to me.
I found some great advantages using video training course. For example, to explain the fundamental concept of Yin Yang, how is the concept used to observe and understand the world and various phenomena, how Yin Yang changes taking place in our body, mind and emotions, how Yin Yang balance comes about to achieve harmony, …. I realize that if I do the explanation in the classroom, I may spent less than 10 min. as there are many other topics to cover in the 1-2 training days.
But in the case of video training, I have the luxury to spend more than 1 hour to bring the abstract concept of Yin Yang to deriving principles and application, and explain in details “What is Qi”? for 1.5 hours
I am now designing the 3rd module.
It is real great fun and inspiring.
You are welcome to listen and watch a few free preview video and study the video course objectives and program outlines.
Welcome to enroll
Andrew Wong
hp: +6 012 606 1525
I am most excited to share with you my first Video training course on “Ancient Wisdom Today Well Being” at Udemy internet platform whereby there are 24 millions students who are eager to learn something.
As a promotion, I offer Coupon (with 60% discount) to video course learning fee
Please feel free to watch the preview video and read the course outline.
You are most welcome to introduce to your friends, local and overseas, and they can use the above link to get the coupon with discount. The coupons are limited in number.
It is indeed wonderful that the whole world can learn the ancient Chinese wisdom.
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