This is a video on “The Brain is shrinking”. It seems like a big and new scientific discovery.
But more than 3000 years ago, ancient wisdom already knew, “Brain is Shrinking”.
The video continues to related other symptoms and diseases with brain shrinkages., e.g. dementia, depression, Parkinson, Stroke, celebral palsy, Huntington’s diseases, diabetes, etc.
And Vitamin B12, artificially made chemical substance is recommended for prevention. (Have you read reports how damaging are man-made artificial vitamins?)
Lack of exercise, improper diets, inadequate sleep are mentioned as contributing factors to brain shrinkage. As discussed in several other articles and video in this Blog, western scientists can only point out the above as general condition, they do not have integrated theory to explain exactly how lack of exercise, improper diets, inadequate sleep cause brain shrinkage.
Such is the incompleteness and inconsistency of today modern science.
What knowledge was held in the 3000 years ancient wisdom that the brain is shrinking, especially over aging?
Different terminology was used. Instead of Brain is shrinking, it is called Yin Deficiency.
Since Yin is deficiency, it causes imbalance to the Yin and Yang. And Yang now becomes excessives, which contribute to many of the symptoms and diseases mentioned above.
Now you, see, Yin Yang Theory is the overarching integrating theory, that can put all things under one roof.
For example, good sleep is Stillness, Yin is at rest. Insonia is the opposite, Yin is not at rest, and Yang is agitating. Can you figure out how these affect the brain? Agitated Yang implies thoughts, nervous system not in harmony.
Thousands of years, ancient wisdom offers us how to supplement the Yin, how to calm the Yang, through food therapy, qi exercises and many self-healing techniques.
All these to ensure gradual diminishing of Yin and more balanced Yin and Yang during aging. The brain will still shrink, but more gradually and gracefully.
This discussion involves a few key concepts which are explained in details in the video training.”Yin Yang Theory, 阴阳学说“, “Organs Functionalities 五脏六腑”, “5-elements theory 五行学说 ” ,”Food Therapy” 食疗, 饮食学说。 Meridians, Qi exercise 经络,气的运动。
Video Courses on Ancient Wisdom
- Food Therapy for the unique you with your own Body Constituents
- Meridians, Qi-exercises & other self-help Healing Methods
- Organs Functionalities (What Western Medicine does not know)
- 5-Element Theory : Build Relationship of parts for Holism
- Philosophy, Yin Yang Theory & Application
- Qi (Its mystery unfolded),5-Essential Human Life Variables
Chinese Video Courses 华语视频课程 (请按)
Andrew Wong
EP Coach / Trainer / Facilitator.
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Hp +6012 606 1525
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