Tantrum / Autism Not Behavioral Problem

We had discussed some people with little or no Will Power, nor Intention to set up a clear and compelling vision as life goal. And we attributed that to the weakness in Kidneys Qi / energy.

We also have the opposite. Excessive determination and Will Power, wanting even to conquer everything in the whole world..

As such they have problem to prioritize and focus well, resulting in achievement in little or nothing.

How do we explain the above from Yellow Emperor”s Inner Classic perspectives?

We start explaining using the 5-element Theory.

Kidneys belong to Water. When the water is strong and excessive, moving in all direction, then the water is not under good control.

As per 5-element theory, Earth can Control Water. For example, when the river water is overflowing, a dam (earth) can be used to control the running water.

Kidneys are represented by Water and Spleen is represented by Earth. And Spleen has the function of Thinking and Analysis. Then much thinking and analysis are required to chart a clearer and manageable life direction to manage.

If the Thinking capability is not well functioning, it also implies the Spleen, physiologically not in good balance.

We can use this Model to observe and understand some behavioral pattern of an autistic child. Hyperactive, throwing tantrum, not able to focus well in study.

The child uses a lot of Kidneys-energy, with persistence / will power in demanding what he or she wants, But he is weak in Spleen / Stomach energy.

Tantrum may appear behavioral problem, but it is not. It is physiological problems that need to be addressed first, i.e. the Spleen and Stomach functionalities.

With more knowledge gained from Yellow Emperor”s Inner Classic , we can then help the autistic child to strengthen the functionalities of Spleen and Stomach with the appropriate diets that suit his or her body constituents.

From the above example, we see that kidneys problems need treatment at Spleen and Stomach also. So unlike Western Medicine who does not see relationship among organs.

We have our own experiences that it is not easy to balance Spleen and Stomach. There are so many delicious foods as temptation. Furthermore too much thinking and worries, Spleen and Stomach get attacked all the time.

This discussion involves a few key concepts which are explained in details in the video training.“Organs Functionalities 五脏六腑”, “5-elements theory 五行学说 ” ,”Earth controls Water 土克水” “Kidneys represented by Water 肾属水”,”Spleen represented by Earth 脾属土” ,”Kidneys like Hercules 肾为大力士”, “Liver manifests in anger 肝主怒?“,”Liver likes radiating with 肝主疏泄”

Video Courses on Ancient Wisdom

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Video Training on the Ancient Wisdom


Andrew Wong
EP Coach / Trainer / Facilitator.
心理辅导师 / 培训老师 / 带动集团学习师
Hp +6012 606 1525

Food Therapy for the Unique You with your own Body Constituents

This is a brief introduction to “Food Therapy for the Unique You with your own Body Constituents”.

Please watch this short video at YouTube

Food Therapy

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Video Training on the Ancient Wisdom


Attention on Blood and Blood Pressure but not body Fluid?

In Chinese culture, there is an interesting concept called “Medicine Diet 药膳”

It is delicious foods and at the same time it is medicines.

It can be a soup, porridge, a dish, added with some simple herbs, then it becomes “Medicine Diet”.

I give a very simple example.

Maize is a simple and common food. When you peel off the leafy-skin, you see strands of fibres wrapping round the corns. These strands of fibres, washed, soak in hot water, it becomes Medicine-tea.”玉米须”

What are the properties “

Improve the body liquid metabolism. Helps to remove water retention in the body. Ease urination. Cool down kidneys, liver inflammation, helps lower high blood pressure, …

And there are many recipes involving this strands of fibers, in the form of soup, juice, porridge, each again have slightly different properties.

Most of these information were recorded thousands of years ago. Ancient sages tasted different foods to find out their properties and effect on our body.

When we have better knowledge of the change Yin and Yang in our body at different time and situations, we can do balancing using Medicine Diets, enjoy the delicious foods and keep us healthy.

Do you know that Up to 60% of the human adult body is water by weight, the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83% water?

What do you think is the significance of our body has high percentage of water? Imagine in a city, there is water supply problem, drainage problems, flooding problem, or shortage of water problem!

We are overly concerned with blood pressure, high blood pressure. With out body having so high percentage of water, more than blood, do you pay attention to the optimal water equilibrium in the body? Do you think there is high and low water pressure problems?

3000 years ago, Yellow Emperor’s Inner classic pays equal attention to water and blood in our body, and of course the Qi. to ensure better optimal condition for health.

Body fluid must be at certain optimal equilibrium. If too little, ancient wisdom calls it “Yin Deficient”, if too much “Yin Excessive”.

The above maize fibers strand is one of the methods to balance the Yin and Yang of our body water system.

We will discuss more in our Video Training courses.

This discussion involves a few key concepts which are explained in details in the video training.Medicine Diets “药膳,药食同源”,””Organs Functionalities 五脏六腑功能” 。

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Video Training on the Ancient Wisdom


Andrew Wong
EP Coach / Trainer / Facilitator.
心理辅导师 / 培训老师 / 带动集团学习师
Hp +6012 606 1525

学习 “黄帝内经“博客

Simplicity & Practicality of Ancient Wisdom on Health

“Simplicity & Practicality of Ancient Wisdom on Health”

Topics of Discussion

1. Why Aging Before Aging age?

2. What does measured Blood Pressure represent exactly?

3. Complex Medical Theory helpful?


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Video Training on the Ancient Wisdom



Video Preview on Ancient Wisdom Today Well Being

Please click this Video Preview

Happy New Year.

New Year 2019 is going to be an exciting and interesting year for me.

Why so?

I found a world platform whereby I can share the 3000 years old Chinese Ancient Wisdom to help people to create Better Well Being Today.

This is a Global Learning Community with 24 millions eager learners.

This video is a preview to introduce Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic to the whole world.

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Video Training on the Ancient Wisdom


Happy New Year to you again and hope you have an exciting start for your new year 2019.

Andrew Wong
EP Coach / Trainer / Facilitator.
心理辅导师 / 培训老师 / 带动集团学习师
Hp +6012 606 1525

Blog :
Ancient Wisdom Today Well Being

Who is 1st class doctor?

Today I share some interesting concepts of Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic.


“Not just focus on treating the Illness, but those parts that are still functioning well”


“30% on treatment, but more importantly 70% on LIfe Cultivation”.

For example, illness like stomach cancer, all attentions are on treating the cancer.

When the ancient sages say “Not just focus on treating the Illness, but those parts that are still functioning well”, it does not mean you should not seek treatment from doctors, as the sages also say “30% on treatment, but more importantly 70% on Life Cultivation”.

Why such concepts?

When we have opportunity to study more deeply YEIC, we can understand what is meant by Total Integration of Life.

Integration of the body parts, those with illness, those without, organs, tissues, emotions, beliefs, life attitudes, what we eat, how we sleep,exercise …. As they are all interconnected and interrelated to each other.

As per the 5-element-theory, there is possibility that stomach cancer may arise from Liver problems.

And Liver problem is often caused by frustration, angers or other negative emotions.

With the understanding of such relationship, as illustrated just now, we can better appreciate the total Life Cultivation approach.

Does it make sense to you?

There is another ancient saying regarding : “Who is the best doctor?”


3rd class doctors treat serious illness,
2nd class doctors treat light illness.
1st class doctors or best doctors treat you, even now you have no illness, but you will not get sick in the future.

The ancient 1st class doctor, when interacting with patient will little sickness, he can tell the person if he does not develop good Life Cultivation, he will get sick by certain year, month and day.

Today we view medical doctors in reverse order, ya? We glorify doctors who treat well a serious disease case. But no doctors specialize in illness prevention.

Why not we learn YEIC to learn to be our own 1st class doctor, stay healthy and not get serious illnesses.

This discussion involves a few key concepts which are elaborated in the online training .“Organs Functionalities 脏腑功能”,”5 emotions 五情”,”5 Consciousness 五神”,”5-element model 五行学说 “.
“Words in Chinese are texts from the book YEIC, 3000 years ago.”

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Video Training on the Ancient Wisdom


Andrew Wong
EP Coach / Trainer / Facilitator.
心理辅导师 / 培训老师 / 带动集团学习师
HP +6012 606 1525

学习 “黄帝内经“博客