I am glad to see much discussion among members in the Chinese WhatsApp group, quite a number of discussion is on what treatments and how etc.
It is natural that people eagerly want to get solution due to concern about own or family members’ health.
Let me highlight and elaborate more the many other important questions and thoughts beneath the question on “What Treatments?”
E.g. Question : “How to improve Kidney functionalities as someone has Kidneys-Deficiency”
There are many methods to improve Kidneys functionalities. But not all of them suit the person concerned.
Yellow Emperor says : “Same illnesses different treatments. Different illnesses same treatment.”,
“Focus on the Person and not just on the symptoms”,
内经说 : “异病同治,同病异治”,”治人不治病”。症状只是一种表现,症状背后的病因,病理,是因人而异。
Symptoms are just manifestation of something unbalanced in the body system. And different people has different out of balance body system, though many of them have same symptoms.
The above question implies the person concerned has problem in Kidneys functionalities. But is that really the source of the problem?
Hence more investigation is needed.
There is the possibility that the source of the problem is not Kidney-functionalities but Lung-functionalities.
Yellow Emperor says “Lung is represented by Metal, Kidneys by Water”. And the theory further says, Metal Produces Water. If the Metal (Lungs) is out of balance, then it affects the Water (Kidneys-functionalities).
This is the challenge of due to its theory of inter-connectivity. All parts are not to be separately treated. And many other different parts can affect the part concerned. Hence the philosophy is very different from Western Medicine, which just focus on the particular part and ignore the rest.
Today many TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) doctors seem to practice like the Western Medicine doctors. They also only focus the the symptoms expressed by the patient and do not make sufficient inquiry of the larger picture.
With early discussion, more questions were posed by the members.
Question : “How do I help to bring back the Consciousness of the autistic child? (this refers to the child not able to make eye contact with the mother, not able to engage in a deeper communication on consciousness level).
“My child has sensitive nose, allergic to several things? How to treat?”
I often have to explain again that one just cannot based on an experienced symptom to understand holistically what is happening to the concerned party unbalances?”
Another question : “How can one knows whether the body constituent is Yang-deficiency or Yin-deficiency?”
Body Constituent System is a large topic, (Video training on Body Constituent System is under construction).. The body is more than just Yang or Yin-deficiency, but there are 9 types of Body Constituent.
Hence if I just answer the above question, the person may think there are only two types, which is not true.
Another question : “Under what conditions pineapple consumption is harmful?”
Well these types of question, one can easily Google to find out more. Be aware, you get different answer from Chinese Food System and Western Nutrition Theory.
Question : “My mother, 82 years old, water retention in the lungs, difficult in breathing. Just completed a heart-related problem operation. Medicine taken after operation is causing stomach problems. What foods should she consume now?”
It is sad that old people suffer a great deal with all sorts of illnesses. With operation, Ancient Wisdom considers the True Qi is badly harmed, making the person weaker.
My first reaction is to recommend porridges for the old mother. But that is not sufficient, there are so many therapies can be applied to the old mother.
Besides food therapy, there is also the emotional support, any old negative issues she is holding to heart? Etc. etc. But then will the old lady co-operate? Will the adult children have time and energy and knowledge to administer? These are larger questions need considering.
Not long ago, I have a coaching case of an old mother. Besides many physical discomfort and pain, recently she has bad temper, accuses the son stealing her money, wishes her die soon.
After coaching, I explain to the adult children, whatever maybe the old issues she has, her physiology is going downhill fast.
Yellow Emperor says “Kidneys Store Fear”. As her Kidney-functionalities are deteriorating, she experience a lot of unexplained fear, and she expresses the fear by accusing people around.
Balancing is required to her Kidney-functionalities, not psychology. I recommend adult children to learn Ancient Wisdom Life Cultivation to help the mother.
The adult children do not believe all these ancient wisdom nonsense. They sent me off and continue to bring the mother from one doctor to another doctor, looking for the best cure.
I encourage people I know to learn the ancient wisdom. Life Cultivation must start now, not till older age, otherwise your adult children will also behave like above, with much stress felt, bring the old parents from one doctor to another. All are in miseries.
This discussion involves a few key concepts which are explained in details in the video training.“Same illnesses different treatments. Different illnesses same treatment 异病同治,同病异治.”, “Focus on the Person and not just on the symptoms 治人不治病”, “Metal gives rise to Water 金生水”,””True Qi 气” , “Kidneys Store Fear 恐伤肾”,”Body Constituents体质”。
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Video Training on the Ancient Wisdom
Andrew Wong
EP Coach / Trainer / Facilitator.
心理辅导师 / 培训老师 / 带动集团学习师
Hp +6012 606 1525
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